Source code for decorating.color

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    Copyright © Manoel Vilela 2016
#    @project: Decorating
#     @author: Manoel Vilela
#      @email:

    Module focused in termcolor operations

    If the exection is not attatched in any tty,
    so colored is disabled
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys

if not sys.stdout.isatty() or sys.platform == 'win32':
    COLORED = False  # pragma: no cover

    'brown': '\033[{style};30m',
    'red': '\033[{style};31m',
    'green': '\033[{style};32m',
    'yellow': '\033[{style};33m',
    'blue': '\033[{style};34m',
    'pink': '\033[{style};35m',
    'cyan': '\033[{style};36m',
    'gray': '\033[{style};37m',
    'white': '\033[{style};40m',
    'reset': '\033[00;00m'

    'normal': '00',
    'bold': '01',
    'underline': '04',

[docs]def colorize(printable, color, style='normal', autoreset=True): """Colorize some message with ANSI colors specification :param printable: interface whose has __str__ or __repr__ method :param color: the colors defined in COLOR_MAP to colorize the text :style: can be 'normal', 'bold' or 'underline' :returns: the 'printable' colorized with style """ if not COLORED: # disable color return printable if color not in COLOR_MAP: raise RuntimeError('invalid color set, no {}'.format(color)) return '{color}{printable}{reset}'.format( printable=printable, color=COLOR_MAP[color].format(style=STYLE_MAP[style]), reset=COLOR_MAP['reset'] if autoreset else '' )